Dostoevsky in Greece. A Brief History of Reception (1877-1929)
This article explores the reception of F. M. Dostoevsky in Greece from 1877 to 1929. The starting point is the year when Dostoevsky was first mentioned in the Greek press, while the endpoint is 1929, a pivotal year marking the emergence of the “Generation of the ‘30s” in Greek literature, which signaled a new phase in its development. The reception of Dostoevsky in Greece during this period unfolds in two distinct phases. The first phase, from 1877 to 1918, is characterized by efforts to introduce the Greek readership to Dostoevsky’s literary and journalistic works. The second phase, spanning from 1918 to 1929, is marked by a growing interest in his works, with increased translation and critical attention. By this time, Dostoevsky’s work had expanded beyond a narrow intellectual circle, becoming more widely disseminated and read. This article focuses on the key literary, ideological, and cultural factors shaping the Greek reception of Dostoevsky during this period, with particular attention to the cultural mediators involved. These mediators were influenced by two major centers: the Western and the pro-Russian spheres, which played a significant role in the dissemination of his work in Greece.
Keywords: Dostoevsky in Greece, Dostoevsky’s worldwide reception
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