The Imaginary World of the Character in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Novel ‘Crime and Punishment’ and literary-historical framework of the twentieth century`s novel


  • Oksana Dreifeld



The article examines the possibility to realize showing the character both from the extremely internal point of view of his subjectivity and from the objectifying position by means of incorporation of the character’s Imaginary World in Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment.

The introduction of an Imaginary World implies such a principle of representation, which allows the Author to reveal the inner essence of the character`s personality to the utmost without having recourse to the direct, external, i.e. object features. Remaining accessible to the observation of the reporting position of the narrator, the internal position of the character is additionally objectified. It becomes available to the character’s self-analysis as well as the one of the other characters. The implementation of the character’s value position in a specific form of the world perceived reveals this world to self-analysis as well as the external assessment (from the virtually real World in the novel). In the analyzed episodes the Imaginary World of Dostoevsky`s characters is a kind of the Chronotope, when, as a result of  the conscious or subconscious image-creation of Svidrigailov and Rodion Raskolnikov, a segment of time and space becomes separated from the reality, which recreates the integrity of the world  in its new interrelations created by imagination of novel`s character. The imaginary world of a character used by Dostoevsky as an element of the structure of his novel apparently enters the realm of phenomena that are extremely close to the generating principle of the era of artistic modality on the twentieth century culture. The novel of the non-classical era is distinguished by increased reflexivity and desire not so much to reflect reality as to trace the process of one`s own formation. The same applies to representation of a person in a non-classical novel, the basis of which was laid by Dostoevsky in the Crime and Punishment.





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